07.12.15 — Start Again

From the film “Cuckoo!” , Mike Birkhead Associated


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Puzzle by Patrick Berry / Edited by Will Shortz

Repeated syllable sounds at the beginning of seven common phrases constitutes the main feature of this Sunday crossword:
  • CUCKOO D'ETAT (23A: Bird involved in French government affairs?)
  • TUTU OF DIAMONDS (28A: Glittering ballet costume?)
  • MIMI AND MY BIG MOUTH (45A: "La Bohème" song in which Rodolfo regrets saying too much to his lover?)
  • AYE AYE, DOCTOR (53A: "I'll obey your medical advice!"?)
  • CHOO-CHOO TOYS (85A: Lionel trains?)
  • COCOA CONSPIRATORS (93A: Group planning a hostile takeover of Swiss Miss?)
  • BYE-BYE PRODUCTS (107A: "That's my last trip to the store, ever!"?)
  • CHI-CHI DEVIL (118A: One who's pretentious as hell?)
Other — AMVET (38D. Lobbying org. formed in 1944); BILL  (47D. Unwelcome bit of mail); CHEOPS (78D. Ruler entombed in the Great Pyramid); FRETS (65D. Neck lines?); Oscar winner GREER Garson; MAGMA (30D. Soft rock?); PLENTITUDE (15D. More-than-adequate supply); POCATELLO (82D. Western city named after a Shoshone chief).


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Puzzle available on the internet at

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Well, the first trick answer was a bit of a disappointment, as it was not a repetition of the same letters, or even the same sound, which, as we were given to understand was the whole basis of the puzzle's theme, i.e.: "start again".