03.17.14 — G(vowel)M

Green Gumball


Monday, March 17, 2014 — St. Patrick’s Day

Puzzle by John Lieb / Edited by Will Shortz

GAM, GEM, GIM, GOM, GUM and GYM found at the starts of GAME WARDEN (18A. Poacher’s nemesis), GEM STATE (23A. Idaho’s nickname), GIMME FIVE (35A. Request for some skin), GOMER PYLE (41A. Mayberry resdent who became a Marine) GUMBALLS (49A. Round candy in a vending machine) and GYMNASTICS (58A. Sport that includes the pommel horse and parallel bars) constitutes the interrelated group of this Monday crossword.

Other — AFGHAN (5D. Kabul native), DRESS CODE (4D. Casual Friday relaxes it), FANTASIES (37D. Excursions to la-la land), GUISE (49D. False front), JIM PALMER (34D. Orioles Hall-of-Fame pitcher who modeled Jockey underwear), SEDUCTIVE (11D. Alluring).


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Puzzle available on the internet at

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