03.09.14 — No Zee

Original watercolor based on an antique photo of a sailor named Dutch who was tattooed by Percy Waters from Detroit in the early 1900’s ~ Electric Tiger Tattoo


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Nosy Nonsense, Puzzle by Brendan Emmett Quigley
Edited by Will Shortz

Eight common phrases (with no “sy” [or “zee”] sound at the end of the first word) add the sound to become uncommon ones with risible clues in this plodding Sunday crossword:

  • DAISY TRADER (26A. One unsatisfied with a “She loves me, she loves me not” result?), e.g., DAY TRADER
  • CHOOSY TOY (28A. Picky little dog?), CHEWY TOY
  • EASY COMMERCE (52A. Business transactions free from government regulation?), E-COMMERCE
  • BREEZY CHEESE (73A. Carefree dairy products?), BRIE CHEESE
  • ROSY HOUSE (101A. Optimistic theater audience?), ROW HOUSE
  • BOISE WONDER (103A. Marvel from Idaho’s largest city?), BOY WONDER
  • HAZY SAILOR (36D. Barely remembered seaman?), HEY, SAILOR
  • DOOZY POINT (44D. Sports score most likely to be on the highlight reel?), DEW POINT

Other — BIZET (47A. “L'Arlésienne” composer); DANTE (64D. “De Monarchia” writer); ELITIST (6D. Supporter of the 1%, say); EUROMART  (86A. Continental free trade group); HOLY WRIT (5D. Sunday reading); IPSWICH (91D. County seat of Suffolk, England); ISOTONER (84D. Brand of gloves and slippers); LARYNXES (16D. Talking points?); MINORCA (90D. One of the Balearic Islands); MOSHERS (87D. Concertgoers who are into the hits?); OCEANIA (115A. Winston’s home in “1984”); ÊTRE and ODOR (75D. “Fumes” is a form of it; 79D. Fumés may produce one); OPHELIA (23A. She “speaks things in doubt, / That carry but half sense”); RIALTO (74D. Venice’s oldest bridge); STEPTOE (8A. Isolated hill surrounded by lava).


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Puzzle available on the internet at
THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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